Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Dying and the Dead Book Signing

From the event description:

"Heroes Comic Shop is excited to host Ryan Bodenheim and Mike Garland on Saturday, January 31st!
Join us from 2 pm to 5 pm, hang out with these two incredible talents!

Ryan Bodenheim has penciled:
HALCYON - All from Image Comics
Along with
from Marvel Comics

Mike Garland has colored:
RED MASS FROM MARS - from Image Comics
From Boom Comics

The Dying and the Dead #1

"A murder at a wedding reveals a fifty year-old secret. At great cost, a man with a dying wife is given the opportunity to save her. A lost tribe is reborn in another time. Seemingly disparate events that force relics from the Greatest Generation to come together for one last hurrah.

Brought to you by award-winning writer JONATHAN HICKMAN and fan-favorite artist RYAN BODENHEIM, THE DYING AND THE DEAD is high adventure meets end-of-life care.

It's Indiana Jones for Old People. There are no fedoras, only bedpans."

Aside from all that? Mike Garland is a fabulous artist in general - you can see some of his work at my house! 

Here's photos from the event


Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Introduction

Hi there!


I'm Marci. I'm a geek who goes to conventions and then blogs about them. I live in Upstate NY with my Hubby, three cats, three dogs, and the occasional son who stops by to do his laundry and feed his father junk food. (Cause that's the whole reason for having kids. #AmIRight)

Let's see... a little bit about me:

I have an Associates of Occupational Studies degree in Medical Coding and Reimbursement. So...yeah.  I's edjukated.

I am a published author of GLBTQ romance. My pen name is DC Juris, and you can find my books at Assuming the payment to the web server went through...

I also write fan fiction. I'mma stop you right here and admit that I ship Kirk/Spock. I ship them so hard. In all ways. And I don't care if you don't like that. #HatersGonnaHate

I work on the G&E crew of the Star Trek TOS fan series "Star Trek Phase II" in Ticonderoga, NY. We have a Facebook page. Go like it:

I'm the Captain of my local Star Trek club, the USS Sirius. We also have a Facebook page. Go like it:

I'm an ordained Minister with the Universal Life Church. Yes, it's a real church.

I have a sock monkey family living in a doll house in my basement. Of course they have a Facebook page. Go like it:

I love Star Trek (TOS).

No... I don't think you get it - read this:

And this:

And this:

There are three ways to my heart:

1. Talk to me about Star Trek
2. Talk to me about my books
3. Buy me a Star Trek TOS trinket.

I'll love you. Long time.

I own 2 Ceti Alpha V eel props...which I bought a tank for, complete with sand, rocks, flowers, and a food dish. #IKnowIKnow

I get punchy when people insult William Shatner. Literally. Punchy. #IWarnedYou

I hate having dirty feet. That's weird, isn't it? I feel like that's weird.

Random other things I like: sock monkeys (duh), horror movies, drag shows, rummage sales, antiques, thrift stores, Diablo, Farmville, good wine, good food, math, porn, and cupcakes!

Things I'm really, really good at: writing, photography, being in charge, blogging (obviously).

My Fandoms: Star Trek TOS, Sherlock, Babylon 5, Supernatural (#Destiel),  Batman (the Adam West Batman).

So. Yeah. That's me.