Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Shore Leave 2014 - The Recap

Shore Leave is an annual convention held in Maryland.

It's also the first convention I've ever attended with friends. I mean, I've been to smaller conventions with Hubby, but nothing like this.

My youngest son (heretofore and in real life called "The Boy") and I rode down with our friends from the USS Serling. You might think four hours in a packed-like-sardines minivan would be uncomfortable. And you'd be right. But we made up for it with singalong a, and generally being a pain in the ass to Captain Lisa, our driver. 

"Are we there yet?"
"Can we go to Hershey Park?"
"I have to pee!"
"I want to go home!"
"Sheets! Sheets! Sheets!"

You get the gist. 

I spent a lot of my time once again carousing in the vendors area in my Q costume. Many photos. Much fun. 

I attended another Skype with Leonard Nimoy. And this time? This time??? He *sang* to us. Sang. Leonard. Nimoy. Sang. To. Us. Chills, folks. I had chills.

I love Shore Leave. It's middle sized, but it has a far different vibe than any other convention I've been to. There's something homey about it. The atmosphere is very laid back. 

Case in point? Robert Picardo, Voyager's Emergency Medical Holigram, hung out with everyone in the bar, and sang during karaoke. One of the Serling crew won an award during the costume contest. 

The extra awesome thing is that Shore Leave is located in Region 7 of STARFLEET International, which is the umbrella of our clubs. So there's a Region 7 meeting, during which the annual awards are given out. It's a nice chance to meet other STARFLEET members. 

This one is a con I definitely want to keep going to! 

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